Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Gaps and Picnic

Saturday morning woke up and headed to the Gaps. Met up with Dave, Olga, Dani, Triathlete formerly known as..., Sarah, Hunter, Bob and Sue at Starbucks and we were off. Had to get to Starbucks 15 min early because of some evil person, who said if we want coffee, we have to get there earlier, and they were not open yet! Rush, Rush, Rush! I decided to do 4 gaps(Neil's twice). Heart Rate was high to begin with 165-170BPM, but came down to 145-150BPM. I pretty much rode by myself until Woody's where Hunter caught me, but left me when I went up Neil's again. My goal for this summer is to do 2 loops easily and 6gap century in September. I feel like I am getting stronger, but not quite there yet!

Had an awesome picnic after. I am glad to be hanging out with such a great group of people.

Sunday, open water swim with Steven, Sue, Bob, Dave and Olga. I felt myself getting stressed and short of breath at first, but after warming up, felt great!

Monday, hung at the pool, drank margaritas out of sports water bottles and cooked out after. SAME PEEPS!!! I think we like each other a whole lot!!!!!

1 comment:

Freddy Edney said...

Sounds like you had a great time.