Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Oh the stupid pollen.....

Met up with Olga at Stone Mountain for a small loop run. She did great!!!!! Some guy tried to race me but it did not work out for him!!! Then, off to the pool for a 1/2mile swim. The whole time I was swimming , i felt like a rock was stuck in my chest, then, after I got out of the pool, my breathing felt labored and I felt like I was going to have an asthma attack, not that I ever had one, took a Benadryl and feel soooo much better(need to swipe an inhaler from work just in case, self prescribing is the best!!!). Ran in to Walter in Target, I am glad that he is feeling better. There will be so many more races for him, he is a tough cookie! This weather is crazy, today is 73 and tomorrow will be 50s and raining, no wonder people are getting sick. Dani, I will say a prayer for your friend, but I know that everything will be all right!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Thanks Tat, she would appreciate it!