Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Where is my Red Bull?

Woke up on Saturday feeling kind of funky, like I was getting a cold, UGH! Headed to Chattanooga via Dave's house, who was awesome for coming to Nooga with us to cheer on his peeps. Hooked up with a whole bunch of people from Atlanta who were also racing for dinner at Tony's for some carbloading. The food was awesome! The restaurant was very crowded with triathletes as we were leaving. After dinner, Keith was kind enough to drive the bike course with me, which put the fear of God in me. We clocked some ascends as 1 mile long. Yeah!

Sunday, we were at the transition area by 5:30 to set up. Steven bought me a light that you can strap to your head, very helpful! So, i am looking through my bag for the Red Bull-nowhere to be found! For those of you who do not know me, Red Bull is like a religious experience to me. Before every long work out and before every race. Poor Steven had to go back to the hotel room and find it. Luckily, the hotel was only a few miles away. Whew, got the Bull, it gives you wings, you know?

Well, I did not feel like I had any wings during this race!
During the swim, my throat was so sore, it felt like it was swollen shut! A couple of times I hit some spots in the river where I felt like I was not going any place, after reading Dani's blog, I know I was not the only one! Swim time-35min-awful!
It started to storm during the bike, but the course did not seem as bad on the bike as it seemed from the car. 18.0mph according to my computer, not bad.
I actually love running in the rain, so that was fun! 51min 10k. ugh.

I reached my goal of breaking 3hrs, total time 2:58, but I feel like I could of done better :(

After the race, we went to a first gas station to get me medicated!


Unknown said...

Considering the poor weather and river conditions, a sub-3hr time is nothing to feel down about, but I know you are going to absolutely crush that time in future Olympic distance races.

Congratulations for getting your first Olympic marked of your "to do" list, Tat! :-D

Stewart said...

I wrote but it didn't come up. Anyway, I'm happy you sucked it up and pushed through. Also glad I got some on video/film.:)

Betsy said...

Tat Hope u feel better soon! Please take care of yourself,I do not want to sound like your mom BUT your body is speaking directly to you. That river water contains all kind of BUGS! Take care of yourself and so Stevens life is easier for Gods sake. just jokking.