Monday, March 9, 2009

Snickers half marathon

What a trip! We arrived to Albany after 5pm due to moronic drivers and too many cops on the road. Picked up the race packets and of course a new t-shirt for me that says "toenails are for sissies" and headed to a on a dumpy side Holiday Inn. Ate dinner and hit the sack, since we had to get up at 4:45. My idea, of course.
4:45am and I am up with out an alarm clock. Super nervous. Why? It's just a running race. Well, I really wanted to PR and get as close to 1:40 as I could. I had 5 dookouts. What the hell is wrong with me? Does this mean before Ironman it will be 10?!!!
So, we are waiting at the start line, and I am into my music, when this blast goes off and I am ready for dookout number was the cannon.
It was really foggy, so I could only see a couple of runners up. The weather was really good, not too hot and not too cold. No issues and no drama during the race. My goal was to hold a constant pace and I did it, give or take a few seconds. The course was a bit long, 13.3. The support was awesome, except for a chick smoking at a water stop. Of course, I gave her an evil look!
When I crossed the finish line, the clock read 1:42. Super excited!
So, Steven (2:05) and Bob (2:03) and I were having a few beers at the finish line, when we decided to look up the results, and OMG, there was a number 1 next to my name! I won my age group. That was cool!
I still think that all the fast peeps stayed home!
Props to Sue, who qualified for Boston once again! Which is my goal for next year.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

They probably saw you were racing and decided to stay home because they knew they couldn't bring it!