Thursday, November 6, 2008


Now that I have registered for IMFL, my OCD is kicking in full swing. I am allready packing my special needs bags and the training has not started yet!!! What is wrong with me?!
Meanwhile, marathon training is in full swing. I have never done so much running, but it has been fun. I can not imagine adding biking and swimming to that. I am super excited about the race! Spanx.....that is all I have got to say!

1 comment:

Stewart said...

Oh geez! Save the drama for the two days before.:) You'll be up all night doing in next year. It's going to be an amazing year. I have to remember to bring my camera to all of the workouts so the 12 months can be documented. Yes 12 months. Ironman training starts after you marathon break.:) We still have to get Steven through his 1/2 Ironman, let's not forget the El Presidente!:)