Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Life goes on...............

It's been hectic, tiring, and fun! As training gets longer, I have more chances to look within myself and dig deeper. Last century was not nearly as painful as the first. Yay, I am finally getting somewhere. Today, i decided to train 5 days per week, instead of 6. I think the results will be way beeter, then a half-a.. work out. Will see what happens.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Peachtree Roadrace 2009

Once again, woke up at 3:30 to race. Am I ever going to sleep in? I think that would be a definite negative! We actually drove the car to the finish and took a train to the start, I highly recommend it. And they have fresh, never been used porter-pots at the midtown station! Score!
This year I wanted to start at the front of my time group and I did so. Of course, my nerves were going crazy for over an hour of standing and sitting around. I really did not have a specific goal in mind, I just wanted a solid run. I concentrated, did not pose for any pics :) and just did my thing. Couldn't keep up with Keith, and Katie and I got separated, so I ran by myself. 45:09/6.3miles-garmin. I PR'd!!!!! Who does that at Peachtree? I am happy with my time and ready to tackle Chattanooga this weekend!
Special shout out to Steven, who also PR'd, Keith, Henry, Katie, my mom, Steve Brown and the girls, and whoever else raced that day!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Woke up at 3am and headed out to Lake Lanier for Irongirl sprint tri. Hot and muggy already. Welcome to Georgia heat! On the way, I really had to go..............but decided to wait until the exit. Well, I guess in those parts, the gas stations are not open 24 hours. Dang! Should listen to my mom and always go before leaving the house :) Arrived to the transition area, saw my parents. They were eager to body mark me, and all I was able to mutter was-bathroom, and sprinted for the porter-potties, which were NOT in the same place as Emerald Pointe. Doubledang!!!! Finally, got body marked by my father and went to set up my transition spot. Met up with some peeps, shot the crap and eased my nerves. Headed down to the swim around 6:30 and tested out the water. Warm. Yeah!!!!
The swim: two of my lunachix teammates and I had this grand plan to start on the side and cut in at the yellow turn boui. As soon as I started cutting in, I got right in the middle of the washing machine on heavy cycle of angry women, who were kicking, pushing and shoving. I decided to get angry as well, and I think that helped, because I got through and was able to swim most of the way. I stopped once to help a lady, who was treading water, looked around and saw the boat Steven and Dave were on (they were working the swim) and knew if they saw me stopped, I would never hear the end of it, so I went on my way. Swim time-14:00 (my watch) 1:50 min less from last year.
The bike: I had a hard time picking it up on the bike, partly because I drank most of Lanier and partly because I had a 3 hr bike ride on thursday. No taper for me until November :( I had the worst burping problem. It was sooo loud, that some women that I was passing looked disturbed. They were probably newbies, because in the world of triathlon, anything goes! Bike time-1:02, 1 min less from last year.
The run: nothing eventful on the run. I did not feel like I was going hard, but I wound up averaging 7:22min mile-7:30 last year. So I beat my time by 4 minutes from last year's race! All in all, I am happy with my results. 12/155 AG, 60th overall.

Congratulations to all ATCers and Lunachux and most of all, if you did not race, thank you for coming out and cheering me on!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finally, here I am again! It's been quiet here lately. Training, working, eating and sleeping. In that order exactly. Last week Dave made me do a field test that hurt like a mutha. I stopped once, a minute into it and was ready to quit, but my bf talked me out of it and i decided to get going again. I have never gone all out, and I do not think I did this time either, because after the test, I was able to run again. I was not foaming at the mouth and did not puke. I guess I need to push myself a little harder next time.
This past weekend I rode a century on sore legs, thanx to someone I know :) It actually did not feel so bad, and since I rode most of it by myself, I got a little taste of what florida is going to be like. Talking to yourself is definately an option! Havin a little IT band issue and Dr Sadri told me to take a couple of days off. Doesn't he realize that I am training for ironman? Oh, the first 50 miles were way harder then the second. Thanks to Ron Teed for talking me into the century. Nothing like peer pressure!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


My quest for iron has begun on may 9th, 2009.

We got to PCB on thursday, checked in and went straight to the water. Red Flag up. WTF? Immediately, my freaking out started. Got in the water without my wetsuit and did pretty well. After packet pick up and the expo shopping trip, back in the water we go, no problemo. So i am feeling pretty good at this point. On friday morning, go for another swim, in my wetsuit, and all hell breaks loose. I get extremely nauseated and lightheaded, pretty miserable in the middle of the ocean, in deep, deep waters. I am praying for calm seas on the race morning. No such luck!

On the morning of the race, I was pretty nervous. Everyone I talked to, told me if the race was wetsuit legal, to wear it, so I did. Somewhere between 3rd and 4th boui, I started getting extremely ill. I treaded water and tried to throw up to no avail. I was miserable. I just wanted to get out of the water. Thank God that noone asked me if I needed help, because I am not sure that I would have kept going. I took me a lifetime and then some to get out of water.

Got on the bike and felt better. It was pretty windy on the course, so my avg was 18.6 mph, I wsa hoping for better, but since the sea-sickness was still following me around, it was cool with me.

The run was amazing, I was able to go sub 2hrs, despite the heat. At some point I started retaining all of my fluids, so by the time I reached the finish line, I looked 9mo pregnant. Oh, well.

The experience was amazing. I have learned a lot, so the quest for iron has begun. It was awesome to see amazing ATC peeps racing and cheering. You guys rock. And a special shout out to my boys: Steven and Dave, who have e4mbarked on my quest for irom with me in 2009.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A few early birthday wishes.

As am headed to Florida to compete in my first half-ironman, I have a few birthday wishes:
To be the best that I can be, always.
For calm seas at Gulfcoast.
Health to all of my family and friends.
And a few more, but I can't think of them right now. I have a lot of nervous energy, but I think once I get in the water today, it'll calm me.
Best wishes to all who is racing and a huge thank you for all who is coming to cheer me on!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Last weekend rocked and this week sucked! Last weekend was JT sprint triathlon, Steven's first. He blew it out of the water! I, on another hand SUCKED! Now I know that I should have not raced it. The swim and the bike went well, but the run, my best part-sucked!!!!!! I hit a brick wall, and could not get through it. We had a lot of support out there, thank you guys!
This whole week I've spent in bed with the flu. UGH UGH UGH. I am pretty worried with GC being next saturday..............hoping for it not to suck :(